人工智能体育应用在变革体育生产力的同时,也给体育领域带来了诸多风险挑战。运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,探讨人工智能体育应用的伴随风险,并提出法律的因应之策。人工智能体育应用,一方面,面临着技术内生的数据隐私、数据错误、算法偏差等风险;另一方面,面临着技术衍生的网络安全、体育公平、市场垄断等风险。应对人工智能体育应用的风险挑战,首先,要在法律上划定人工智能体育应用的合理界限,令其“有所为有所不为”;其次,要构建以“数据—算法”为核心的多元规制架构, 把风险框进制度的“笼子”;最后,要辅之以健全的配套监管,实现风险的有效治理。于我国而言,可借 《体育法》修改契机,依循“技术—制度”导向,补足“人工智能体育”相关条款,并由此妥善地安排相关利益,不失为一种可行的方案。
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While transforming the productivity of sports, the application of artificial intelligence sports also brings many challenges to the sporting fifield. Using literature and logical analysis, we explore the accompanying risks of AI applications in sports and propose legal measures. The application of artifificial intelligence in sports faces risks relevant to data privacy, data errors, and algorithm bias that are endogenous to the technology on the one hand, and cybersecurity, sports equity, and market monopoly that are derived from the technology on the other. To address the challenges of AI in sports, fifirstly, we need to legally define the reasonable boundaries of the application of AI in sports, so that they can “do what can be done”, secondly, we need to build a multiple regulatory framework with “data-algorithm” as the core, so as to put the risks into the “cage” of the system. Finally, it should be complemented by sound supporting regulation to achieve effective risk management. In China, we can take the opportunity of the revision of the Sports Law to follow the “technology-institution” orientation and introduce the provisions related to “AI-empowered sports”, and thus properly arrange the relevant interests, which is a feasible solution.
国家社会科学基金重大项目 (18ZDA330)