运用文献研读、文献计量和专家访谈等方法,搜集和整理改革开放以来我国体育人文社会学研究的相关资料,归纳总结其发展脉络和阶段性研究热点。研究结果表明,我国体育人文社会学研究共分为 3个阶段:探索期(1978—1996年)、发展期(1997—2008年)和成熟期(2009年至今)。研究分析了体育人文社会学研究主要存在的问题:研究热点多变,各学科发展不均衡;应用研究偏多,理论探究难以深入;问题意识缺乏,学术思想创新不足。并在此基础上对新时代体育人文社会学研究提出了趋势展望: 聚焦研究主题,完善学科体系;坚持体育问题与方法论的融合;注重体育理论和应用研究同时深入。
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Adopting literature review, literature metrology and interview as methods, the present study collects and organizes relevant information about study of sports humanistic sociology in China during the reform and opening up and summarizes the development and research hotspots of different stages. The results show that the study of sports humanistic sociology in China can be divided into three stages: the exploration period (1978—1996), the development period (1997—2008) and the maturity period (from 2009 to present). The main problems of sports humanistic sociology research are analyzed in the study: research hotspot have been changeable, and the development of each subject have been unbalanced; the research is more about the application, while the theoretical study hardly enables any in-depth inquiry; lack of awareness of problems, lack of innovation in academic thought. Based on the above analysis, this research brings forward the prospect the trend of sports humanistic sociology research: focus on the subject and improve the discipline system; adhere to the integration of sports problems and methodology; pay attention to the in-depth study of the theory and application.