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By using methods such as literature research and logic analysis etc., aiming at the three core concepts in the field of physical education curriculum and teaching content which have not been seriously examined and clearly clarified up to now, namely, physical education curriculum content, physical education textbook content, and physical education teaching content,this paper attempts to put forward the idea of "ought to be", "probable" and "physical education teaching theory" on the basis of integrating the two theoretical paradigms of "physical education curriculum theory" and "physical education teaching theory". However, the purpose of the three levels is to clarify their respective connotations and their mutual relations and eliminate their practical confusion and misunderstanding. The research holds that: 1) "physical education curriculum content" answers the core question of "what should or should be taught (learned)" in order to achieve the physical education curriculum goal set in "physical education and health curriculum standard", and its essence is to curriculum the materials contained in different types of sports based on the needs of national and social development, the development of students' physical and mental health and the development of physical education, which belongs to the concept of "due level"; 2) "sports teaching material" the main answer is to make students master more effectively established physical education curriculum content, achieve aim of physical education curriculum standards, "what can be used to teach (learn) the content of physical education curriculum" of the core issues, embodies the "use textbooks taught" rather than "teaching materials" meaning, belongs to the concept of probable levels; 3) "physical education teaching content" mainly answers the specific teaching environment and specific teaching objects of physical education. In order to achieve the expected goal of physical education, the core questions of "what is actually best to teach (learn)" and "what is actually best to teach (learn)" belong to the concept of reality; 4) front-line PE teachers should scientifically grasp the close relationship among the three in PE curriculum and teaching practice.