可重复性是科学的重要特征。这一话题在最近 10年成为科学界的热点问题,被称作可重复性危机,改变着某些学科的研究格局,成为当代科学的重大主题和重大挑战,引发了众多科学家的关注。 体育科学领域也面临着可重复性危机的挑战,但此问题尚未引起体育科学研究者的足够重视。本文介绍了可重复性危机的由来,讨论了诱发可重复性危机的原因,包括科学理念原因,统计理解原因,以及研究实践原因。本文还从学术机构的引导和学者的个人努力两方面讨论了提高可重复性的方法,包括学术机构的方向引导,学术期刊的发表政策,提前注册的逐渐推广,关注元分析研究,做好样本量规划,重视并报告效果量和置信区间,以及开展多国多实验室的合作。笔者认为,关注并积极应对可重复性危机, 有助于提高体育科学研究者的基本科学素养,并进而提高体育科学实证研究的成果质量和成果积累。
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Replicability is one of the defifining hallmarks of science. This topic,which seems conventional to researchers,has however become a crucial issue as well as a grand challenge within the scientifific community over the past decade,bringing scientists’ attention to the “Replicability Crisis” which has been changing the general accepted practices in certain fields. Sport science also faces the challenges to replicability which have not yet raised the concern in this area. In this article,we discuss how the replicability crisis has evolved and how these causes have introduced challenges to replicability,including scientifific concepts,statistical understandings,and research practices. This article also covers several approaches to improve the replicability of studies from both institutional and personal perspectives,including the guidance of the academic institutions, policies for publications,preregistration,emphasis on meta-analysis research,planning the sample size,reporting effect size and confifidence intervals,and cooperation cross multinational laboratories. We propose that attention and positive strategies to cope with the replicability crisis will help improve researchers’ basic scientifific literacy in sport science,and consequently boost the quality and accumulation of empirical research in this area.