运用问卷调查、访谈与逻辑分析相结合的方法,以参加 S省Z市“国培计划(2020)”乡村学校体育教师技能提升培训班的学员为调查对象,了解乡村体育教师专业发展困境及“内卷化”问题,探究其成因和对策。结果显示,现阶段乡村体育教师的专业发展处于“中等偏下”水平,表现为虽然政策支持力度持续增加,但体育教师专业发展仍面临效能偏低的问题,已经陷入“内卷化”困境比较严重的状态。城乡环境差异、身份认同危机、职业吸引力低下和内生动力不足是其主要原因。提出了加强乡村学校硬件和软件环境建设、强化身份认同、唤醒发展意识和激发内生动力的破解乡村体育教师专业发展陷入“内卷化”困境的策略。
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By using the method of questionnaire survey,interview and logical analysis,the trainees who participated in the “National Teachers' Training Program 2020” for PE teachers in rural schools in Z city of S Province were investigated to understand the diffificulties in the professional development of PE teachers in rural areas and the “involution” problem,and the causes and countermeasures are discussed accordingly. The results show that at present,the professional development of rural PE teachers is at the “lower middle” level,which is reflflected in the low effificiency of PE teachers' professional development despite the continuous increase of policy support,and gives rise to the serious dilemma of “involution”. The differences between urban and rural environments,identity crisis,low occupational attraction and lack of endogenous motivation are among the main causes. This paper puts forward strategies to break the dilemma of “involution” in the professional development of rural PE teachers by strengthening the construction of hardware and software environment,enhancing the identity recognition,awakening the development consciousness and stimulating the endogenous motivation.
山西省高等教育“1331工程”提质增效建设计划项目(晋教科函〔2021〕 7号)