本研究从历史学、社会学的角度,采用文献研究、逻辑分析、历史学等方法对义和团武术活动的史学价值进行研究,旨在对义和团武术活动的价值进行客观、科学的审视和评判。研究结果如下:① 义和团武术活动的三重文化向度表现为:“动以卫国,甘愿牺牲”的爱国主义精神、“刚健有为、自强不息” 的民族精神和“降神附体、喝符念咒”封建迷信思想。②义和团武术活动的史学价值在于:促进了中华优秀传统武术拳术、器械在民间的广泛传播,也促使人们对“武术”认识发生了改变。③义和团武术活动的当代启示在于:汲取经验,破除武术“神秘主义”面纱,促进武术科学化发展;牢铸民族共同体意识,为民族铸魂,涵养中华民族文化自信。
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This article uses the methods of literature research,logical analysis and historic study to investigate the historic value of the Wushu activities of Yihetuan (Society of Righteousness and Harmony) from the perspective of history and sociology. The purpose is to objectively and scientifically examine and evaluate the historic value of the Wushu activities of Yihetuan. The results are as follows:(1)The three cultural dimensions of Yihetuan’s Wushu activities includes:The patriotic spirit of “moving to defend the country and willing to sacrifice”,The national spirit of “vigorous and promising,selfimprovement”,and the feudal superstitious thought of “ praying to be possessed and placing spells ”. (2)The historic value of the Wushu activities of Yihetuan lies in promoting the wide spread of Chinese Excellent Traditional Wushu and the instruments among the people,and also promoting the change of people's understanding of Wushu. (3)The Contemporary Enlightenment of the Wushu activities of Yihetuan lies in:gaining experiences,disclosing the mysterious facet of Wushu,and facilitating its scientifific development; fostering a strong sense of national identity,nurturing the national character and cultivating the confifidence of Chinese culture.