运用文献梳理法比较和阐释了“Physical Literacy”与“身体素养”的殊异,通过分析中国古代典籍中“身体素养”的涵义和哲学意蕴,得出其本然含有身心一元论与具身认知理论,继而提出“身体素养”是中国古代体育教育的题中之意。以中国传统射艺为中心视角,梳理出其身体素养蕴藏了:①气力与心志相统一;②精神修养与形体历练并行不悖;③仪礼与德艺整体发展;④日用之间、内外交养、日新至臻的身体素养论。察其要旨,古人修身强调道艺双修、德美育成,重视体育运动中的身体审美性质,在仪式性场域中实践社会伦常,融洽群己行为,体现出鲜明的中国体育特色。中国古代的体育运动在素养教育与体格培育两方面与现代体育理念遥相契应,深化中国传统射艺价值研究不仅能够建构凸显中国特质的身体素养理论,亦有助于重新定位传统射艺的当代价值。
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Using literature review,this article compared the differences between“Physical Literacy”and “身体素养”. By analyzing the meaning and philosophical implication of“physical literacy”in ancient Chinese classics,we conclude that it inherently contains the elements of monism and embodied cognition theory,and then put forward that“physical literacy”is intended in ancient Chinese physical education. Taking the traditional Chinese archery as the central perspective,four types of bodily physique views are sorted out:①the unity of vigor and mind;②the parallelism of spiritual cultivation and physical experience;③the overall development of etiquette and virtue and art;④Riyongzhijian、Neiwaijiaoyang and The Rixinzhi zhen's body literacy theory. It can be inferred that the ancients emphasized the dual development of Theory and practice,and the cultivation of morality. They emphasized the aesthetic nature of the body in sports,practiced social morality in the ritual field,and pursued harmonious relationship between the group and self,reflecting the distinctive Chinese sports characteristics. The physical education and physical training in ancient China corresponded to the modern sports concept. Advancing the research on the value of traditional Chinese archery can not only construct a theory of physical literacy with Chinese characteristics,but also help reevaluate the contemporary value of traditional archery.