围绕我国老年体育治理的政府边界这一议题,梳理了政府边界与老年体育二者的逻辑关系以及中外政府边界理论内涵,认为:①区别于国外理论,我国政府边界理论内涵是以人民为中心,通过维护人民权利、满足人民美好生活需求、促进社会主义市场经济发展的维度探讨政府治理依据,并以政府权力、职责边界为支持构建起政府治理体系。②政府边界视域下我国老年体育治理逻辑涵盖3个维度,包括:基于价值—权力学说,需要在价值上以体育权利捍卫老年体育参与者的主体地位,进而明确老年公共体育服务体系下的法定权力边界;基于职能学说,需以产业发展完善老年体育市场化供给,厘清老年体育市场中的政府职能边界;基于关系学说,则需以体育的健康属性完善老年人的公共健康促进体系, 明晰老年体育治理政府协作中的部门职责边界。③政府边界视域下我国老年体育治理的研究展望:通过基础性概念的理论溯源与层次建构来梳理该研究领域的要素和结构,提升研究张力;通过分析影响机制、识别和评估结果效应来厘清要素间的动态发展机理,强化研究解释力;通过理论体系本土化来适配中国特色的老年体育治理问题,促进研究系统性发展。
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Focusing on the issue of government boundary of elderly sports,this article analyzed the logical relationship between elderly sports and government boundary,and reviewed the government boundary theory. The study found out: ①The Chinese government boundary theory are people-centered; it aims to protect people’s rights and meet people’s hope for a better life; it intends to promote the socialist marketing economy,and construct the governance system supported by government authority and duty boundary. ② The logic of Chinese elderly sports from government boundary theory includes: protecting elderly sports rights and elucidating government authority boundary in elderly sports public service; improving elderly sports supply by taking advantage of the industry development and clarifying government function boundary in elderly sports market; promoting elderly health system and explicating the responsibility boundary during government collaboration on elderly sports.③It is indicated that the theoretical research of elderly sports governance should be enhanced by looking into the basic concepts and their structure; the dynamic development mechanism among factors should be clarified by analyzing the impact,identification and evaluation of the effect; and the theory should adapt to Chinses elderly sports reality to promote its systematic development.
上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题(2019BTY002);湖北休闲体育发展研究中心 2021 年度开放基金课题项目(2021C010)