目的:探讨4周可变阻力训练在复合式训练中对大学生篮球运动员深蹲最大力量和爆发性运动表现的干预效果。方法:招募23名身体健康的男性篮球专项大学生,随机分为实验组和对照组,训练干预4周,每周2次。训练内容包括深蹲、跳深、下蹲跳、立定跳远和20 m冲刺,深蹲强度为80%~85% 1RM。实验组和对照组的训练内容和负荷量均相同。实验组采用占总强度40%的弹力带负荷取代部分自由重量。比较4周训练前后身体成分、深蹲最大力量、下蹲跳、蹲跳、立定跳远、20 m冲刺的变化。结果:4周训练后,①实验组和对照组的体重、去脂体重以及体脂率均未出现显著性差异(P>0.05);②深蹲相对力量存在组别和时间的交互效应(VRT vs CRT:+18.99% vs +14.38%,P=0.019,η2 =0.247),实验组和对照组的深蹲最大力量(P<0.001,效应量(ES)=0.82-0.88)和相对力量(P<0.001,ES=0.98- 1.05)均出现了极其可能的中等程度提高;③蹲跳高度的组别和时间交互效应趋向显著(VRT vs CRT: +6.43% vs+0.58%,P=0.052,η2 =0.177),实验组的蹲跳高度相比对照组出现了非常可能的中等程度提高(P=0.013,ES=1.16);下蹲跳高度仅实验组出现了可能的小程度提高(P=0.007,ES=0.33);④实验组和对照组的立定跳远与20 m冲刺表现均未出现显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论:与恒定阻力训练相比,4 周可变阻力训练对深蹲相对力量表现的提升效果更明显,且运用复合式训练方式能更有效地提高蹲跳高度。
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Objective:To explore the effect of 4 weeks variable resistance training within complex training on back squat maximum strength and powerful athletic performance in college basketball players. Methods:23 healthy male collegiate basketball players were recruited and randomly divided into the control group and experimental group. The participants completed a twice weekly training program over a 4-week period. The training programs were the same between two groups, including back squats,drop jumps,countermovement jumps,standing broad jumps and 20 meters sprinting. The intensity of back squat was 80-85% 1RM. The experimental group included elastic band of 40% of the total load to replace the freeweight. Before and after 4 weeks training,back squat maximum strength,countermovement jump,squat jump,standing broad jump and 20 meters sprinting were compared. Results:After 4 weeks training,1) The body mass,the amount of muscle,and body fat were not significantly different within-and between-groups (P>0.05);2)A significant group×time interaction effect was observed for back squat relative strength (VRT vs CRT: 18.99% vs 14.38%,P=0.019,η2 =0.247),and the back squat maximum strength (P<0.001,ES=0.82-0.88) and relative strength (P<0.001,ES=0.98-1.05) showed most likely moderate magnitude improvements within groups; 3) The group × time interaction effect for squat jump height tended to be significant (VRT vs CRT:+6.43% vs+0.58%,P=0.052,η2 =0.177). The experimental group showed a very likely moderate magnitude improvement (P=0.013,ES=1.16) for the squat jump height compared with the control group; the countermovement jump height (P=0.007,ES=0.33) was shown possibly small magnitude improvement in experimental group; 4) The standing broad jump and 20 meters sprinting performance were shown not significantly different within-and between-groups (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Compared with constant resistance training,variable resistance training greatly improved the back squat relative strength after 4 weeks intervention,and utilizing complex training was an optimal method to significantly improve squat jump height.