互嵌式发展是体育学术期刊与体育智库系统间的深度交融,是繁荣体育哲学社会科学、推进我国体育学术共同体建设的创新举措。研究采用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑演绎等方法,对新时代我国体育学术期刊与体育智库互嵌的逻辑、价值、过程、现状与路径进行研究。研究认为:新时代我国体育学术期刊与体育智库在目标契合性、内容关联性、功能互补性等方面存在互嵌逻辑关联,互嵌将有助于二者间的赋能增效,其过程呈现出先彼此嵌入,到互构,再到彼此赋能的渐进性特征。当前,我国体育学术期刊与体育智库表现出明显的“二维并行”发展态势,存在认知脱嵌、关系脱嵌、结构脱嵌、资源脱嵌等现实问题,走向“一体互嵌”成为必然。据此提出如下优化路径:树立“互嵌共赢”的体育学术共同体理念、 加强“互嵌共融”的顶层设计与制度规划、构建“互嵌共享”的体育学术信息交流平台、强化“互嵌共生” 的资源优势互补发展格局。
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Embedded development is a deep integration between sports academic journals and sports think tank systems, and it also witnesses an innovative measure to prosper the social science of sports philosophy and promote the construction of China’s sports academic community. The research adopts the methods of literature review,expert interviews,logical deduction and so on to study the logic,value,process,current situation and path of the interaction between sports academic journals and sports think tanks in the new era. It is pointed out that in the new era,China’s sports academic journals and sports think tanks are logically related to each other in terms of the consistency of objectives,the relevance of contents,and the complementarity of functions. Embedding will contribute to the empowerment and efficiency increase between the two. The process features firstly gradual embedding between each other,then constructing,and then empowering. At present,China’s sports academic journals and sports think tanks are showing a “two-dimensional parallel” development trend. There exists practical problems such as cognitive disengaging,relationship disengaging,structure disengaging and resource disengaging. Therefore,it is inevitable to move towards “integration and mutual embedding”. Accordingly,the following optimization paths are proposed: establish the concept of “mutual embedding and win-win” for sports academic community,strengthen the top-level design and system planning of “mutual embedding and integration”,build a “mutual embedding and sharing” platform for sports academic information exchange,and strengthen the complementary resources development pattern of “mutual embedding and symbiosis”.