研究旨在探讨后冬奥时代我国冰雪运动数字化的现实状况、内在逻辑、制约因素与发展策略, 以强化其依托冬奥资源优势成长为冰雪运动高质量发展抓手与体育数字化示范领域的理论支持。通过文献资料、专家访谈、实地考察等方法从历史、技术、业态视角审视冰雪运动数字化的历史源流与现时特征,并由其“社会技术化”实质挖掘出制造升级、服务提质、发展增效、文化创新、价值普惠构成的内在价值逻辑。研究认为,冰雪运动数字化存在政策兴起“陷阱”、要素驱动乏力、行为成本约束、“虚化”争论尚存等制约因素,可通过全局政策破局与工具结构优化、生产要素质量治理、“资源下沉”嵌入式成本破局、数字冰雪项目与赛事创推等策略促进后冬奥时代冰雪运动数字化发展。
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The paper is aimed to explore the current situations,internal logic,constraints and development strategies of the digitalization of winter sports in China in the post-Winter Olympics era,in order to strengthen the theoretical support for taking the digitalization of winter sports as a leverage to promote the high-quality development of winter sports and the construction of the demonstration field of sport digitalization with the resource from Winter Olympics. Through literature review,expert interview and field investigation,the paper examines the historical origin and current characteristics of the digitalization of winter sports from the perspectives of history,technology and industry forms,and concludes that its internal value logic, featured by the technologization of society,includes manufacturing upgrading,service quality improvement,development efficiency enhancement,culture innovation and the universal benefits. The paper holds that there are some constraints in the digitalization of winter sports,such as “trap” from policy growth,weak factor drive,behavior cost constraint,and “virtualization” debate. And the digitalization of winter sports in the post-Winter Olympics era can be promoted by the optimization of overall policy and tool structure,the quality governance of production factor,cost reduction with the resources channeled down,and the innovation and promotion of digital winter sports and events.
国家体育总局重大委托课题(S 纵 20210167 )