波及全球的新冠肺炎疫情导致奥林匹克运动内外环境均发生了重大变化,挑战与机遇并存, 国际奥委会适时推出一系列改革措施,呈现出改革愿景,即建设和平团结的人类世界、利用“数字技术” 的正效能、推动联合国可持续发展目标的实现、加强奥林匹克组织的公信力以及增强经济和金融方面的韧性。国际奥委会此次改革的愿景对我国制定体育对外交往策略、扩大数字体育蓝海市场、增强体育产业发展韧性等具有参考价值。
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The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant changes in both the internal and external environment of the Olympic Movement, creating both challenges and opportunities. IOC put forward various reforms, demonstrating its clear vision, namely, promoting world peace and solidarity, taking advantage of the efficiency of “digital technology”, helping to achieve the goal of the sustainable development of the United Nations, and strengthening the credibility of the Olympic organizations and economic and financial resilience. IOC reform is conductive to the formulation of foreign exchange strategy for international sports, the rapid expansion of China’s blue ocean for virtual sports and enhancement of resilience in China’s sports industry.