以2008年北京夏季奥运会开幕式与2022年北京冬季奥运会开幕式为研究对象,运用比较分析、文献资料、录像分析等研究方法,对两届奥运会开幕式表演的历史进程和主要内容进行分析和整理。 旨在通过两届奥运会表演的对比分析,探究两届奥运会开幕式在叙事艺术方面的“变”与“不变”。研究发现,从2008年北京夏季奥运会开幕式到2022年北京冬季奥运会开幕式体现着从宏大叙事向个体叙事的艺术转变,体现在从历史时间建构走向艺术时间建构、从民族史诗走向浪漫抒情诗、从淡化体育元素走向强化体育元素、从科技加强艺术到科技艺术融合共创的转向历程,体现了不同时期设计思路,生产语境及创作心境等方面的变化。不变的是对奥运精神及“天下大同”理念的传达。留下了诸如多样的时间建构艺术手法、异时空叙事典范、东方艺术语言的发掘创新、体育元素的深化融入、科技人文主义对舞台表现的深度驱动等有益经验,为我国大型体育赛事的赛事表演活动提供了宝贵的借鉴启发。
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Taking the opening ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics as the research objects,this study employed comparative analysis,literature review and video analysis to document and analyze the historical process and main contents of the performances of the two opening ceremonies. The purpose of the research is to comparatively explore the changeability and unchangeability of the two opening ceremonies in terms of the narrative art. The study found that,from Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics to 2022 Winter Olympics,the opening ceremony has changed from grand narration to individual narration,from historical time construction to artistic time construction,from national epic to romantic poetry,from diluting sports elements to strengthening sports elements,and from technology enhancing art to technology integrating with art. The changes reflect different design ideas,production contexts and creative moods in different periods of time,while what remains unchanged is the conveyance of the Olympic spirit and the concept of "Great Harmony in the World". The two opening ceremonies offer some useful experiences such as:various artistic techniques of time construction,different time and space narrative models,the exploration and innovation of oriental artistic language,the full integration of sports elements,and the in-depth drive of technological humanism on stage performance,etc.,which provide valuable inspiration for the future performance of large-scale sports events in China.
2022 年度江苏省研究生科研创新计划项目(KYCX22_2270)