击剑是我国的潜优势项目,但近2届奥运会成绩出现下滑,亟须研制科学训练应对策略。通 过对Web of Science、PubMed、EBSCOhost、Scopus和IEEE Xplore数据库中检索到的31篇实证与定量研 究文献的综合分析,并整合了目前国际国内具有较高共识性的击剑训练理论与方法。研究发现,击剑是 一个高度依赖技术、速度、灵敏性、爆发力和无氧耐力的开放性运动项目。其竞技能力特征及训练策略 如下:①竞技能力特征:在体能方面,精英级击剑运动员的肌肉含量存在明显的四肢不对称性,有更大的 臂展和腿展,主要依赖无氧代谢能力;在技术方面,弓步及其速度、时空随机变向、冲刺(佩剑除外)和距 离感、速度感掌握是关键;在战术方面,快速且准确地对特定刺激作出反应以识别并把握最佳进攻时机 至关重要,此外,动作的隐蔽性和技术多样性与变化也非常关键;在心理方面,精英运动员展现出更高的 抽象思维、创新能力,以及自我适应与调整能力、情绪控制能力。②训练策略:专项力量应结合快速伸缩 复合、北欧式和直腿硬拉等训练方法;专项速度强调以速度、灵敏和快速启动(SAQ)训练和迁移训练来 加以改善;能量训练应避免低强度的专项有氧训练(提升恢复能力的有氧训练除外),专注于契合专项的 高强度间歇训练;技术训练应采用多样化的步法练习,同时提升击剑比赛特定体能,如强化离心训练;战 术训练应重点提升关键分的制胜策略能力,以及通过语言、视觉和实践方法提高战术思维能力;心理训 练可采用基于生物反馈技术的放松训练、表象训练和逆境应对训练等提升心理控制能力。
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Fencing,identified as a potential strength in our country’s sports portfolio,has experienced a decline in performance in the last two Olympic Games, necessitating the development of scientifically grounded training strategies. This paper synthesizes findings from a comprehensive analysis of 31 empirical and quantitative research articles retrieved from databases such as Web of Science, PubMed, EBSCOhost, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore, integrating globally recognized fencing training theories and methodologies. The study reveals that fencing heavily relies on skill, speed, agility, explosive power, and anaerobic endurance, characterizing it as an open-skill sport. The athletic performance features and training strategies are as follows: ① Sporting ability characteristics: Physically, elite fencers have significant limb asymmetry in muscle mass, have greater arm and leg spans, and rely primarily on anaerobic metabolic capacity. Technically,the lunge and its speed, random change of direction in time and space, fleche(except for saber)and a sense of distance and speed mastery are key. Tactically, it is critical to react quickly and accurately to specific stimuli to identify and capitalize on the best time to attack. Moreover,the concealment of movements and the diversity and variability of techniques are key. Psychologically, elite athletes demonstrate higher levels of abstract thinking and creativity, as well as self-adaptation and adjustment, and emotional control. ②Training Strategies: Specialized strength training should be combined with training methods of plyometric , romanian and stiff-legged dead-lift ; specialized speed training emphasizes improvement with Speed, Agility, Quickness(SAQ)training and transfer training. Energy system training should avoid low-intensity specialized aerobic training(except for recovery-enhancing aerobic sessions), and focus on high-intensity intervals that fit the specialty. Technical training should utilize a variety of footwork drills and emphasize sport-specific physical conditioning. Tactical training should focus on developing winning strategies for critical points and enhancing tactical thinking abilities through verbal,visual,and practical methods. Psychological training can enhance mental control through relaxation training based on biofeedback,imagery training,and adversity response training.