核心概念是话语体系建设中最为重要的表达工具和最小的分析单位,代表着一门学科、一种 学说或一个学派的身份、思想与价值。采用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,以中国运动训练学话语体系中 的核心概念为研究起点,对核心概念的逻辑筛选、话语特征、话语现状以及建构路径进行系统梳理和科 学探索。研究认为:中国《运动训练学》教材历经 40年发展,形成了具有中国特色的理论体系和话语 表述,中国运动训练学者们围绕 3W2H等问题建立了以“运动成绩”“竞技能力”“项群训练”“训练原 则”“训练方法”“训练负荷”“训练计划”“竞技状态”为主体内容的核心概念集,呈现出原创性、逻辑性、 相对性、扩展性等话语特征。面对欧美运动训练理论实证概念的引进和传播,受历史之情、现实之需、未 来之势影响,中国运动训练学核心概念需要持续回应概念引用的适应性不高、概念转化的价值性不强、 概念融通的对话性不足等话语难点;亟需从历史资源中梳理、运动实践中挖掘、学科融合中提炼、科学技 术中创新,立足中国本土化,以此实现中国运动训练学话语体系中的核心概念建构以及内涵的新界定。
[Key word]
The core concept is the most important expression tool and the smallest analytical unit in the construction of discourse system, representing the identity, ideas, and values of a discipline, theory, or school of study. By using the methods of literature review and logical analysis, this study takes the core concepts in the discourse system of Chinese sports training as the starting point to systematically sort out and scientifically explore the logical screening, discourse characteristics, discourse status, and construction path of the core concepts. The research suggests that after 40 years of development, the Chinese textbook“Sports Training” has formed a theoretical system and discourse expression with Chinese characteristics. Chinese sports training scholars have established a core concept set centered around issues such as“sports performance”, “sporting ability”,“event group training”,“training principles”,“training methods”,“training load”,“training plan”, and “sports state”, presenting original, logical, relative, and expandable discourse characteristics. With the introduction of mature concepts of European and American sports training theories,and affected by historical circumstances,current needs,and future trends, the core concepts of Chinese sports training need to continuously respond to discourse challenges such as the lack of adaptability of concept references, low value of concept transformation, and insufficient dialogue of concept integration; It is therefore of urgent need to sort out historical resources,explore sports practices,refine disciplines integration,keep innovating in science and technology, and root for China-based localization, in order to realize the construction of core concepts and new definition of connotations in the discourse system of Chinese sports training.