全民健身基本公共服务与普惠性公共服务的要素分类对认识政府与市场、供给与需求关系具 有重要意义,研究运用文献资料、逻辑分析、案例研究等方法探讨了相关理论与实践问题。研究认为:理 论层面,全民健身公共服务指向群众领域的公共体育服务,与狭义公共体育服务概念的外延基本相同; 在产品、价值、主体属性上表现出公共性。现有全民健身公共服务体系包括结果导向的平行结构、供需 导向的平行结构、过程导向的环形结构、功能导向的圈层结构四种要素结构;整合模型以缓解供需矛盾 为核心目标,包含全民健身基本公共服务、普惠性公共服务、市场化健身服务3个类要素以及“供给什 么”“如何供给”“为谁供给”等 6个层要素,历经全民健身基本公共服务均等化引领、非基本公共服务产 业化转型、更高水平发展三个阶段逐步成型。实践层面,全民健身基本公共服务与普惠性公共服务供给 内容边界不清、比例失衡,供给主体权责不清晰、供需错配,提出在保障公众基本健身需求得到满足的前 提下积极推进普惠性公共服务发展等针对性优化路径。
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The categorization of basic and inclusive National Fitness public service is pivotal for comprehending the interplay between government and market forces, as well as the dynamics of supply and demand. Employing methods such as literature review, logical analysis, and case studies, this research delves into pertinent theoretical and practical matters. Theoretically, the concept of National Fitness public service is identified with mass sport public service, aligning closely with the narrowly defined sport public service. It is characterized by its publicity in terms of products,values, and stakeholders. The current framework for National Fitness public service encompasses four models: a result-focused parallel structure, a supply-demandfocused parallel structure, a process-focused ring structure, and a function-focused onion structure. The integration model, with the primary objective of mitigating the supply-demand imbalance, encompasses three categories of generic elements: basic National Fitness public service, inclusive public service, and market-driven fitness service, along with six layers of specific elements such as "what to supply"“how to supply”“for whom to supply” . This model has evolved through three phases: the equalization of basic National Fitness public service, the industrial transformation of non-basic public service, and advancement to higher stages. Practically, there’ s a lack of clarity in the boundary and proportion of the supply of basic and inclusive public services for national fitness. Additionally, there’ s ambiguity in the responsibilities and rights of those providing service, along with a mismatch between supply and demand. To address these dilemmas, specific improvement strategies are recommended to foster the growth of inclusive public service while guaranteeing that the basic public service are fulfilled.