中小体育企业创新发展是推动体育产业提质增效的重要动力,专精特新体育企业是创新型中 小体育企业的典型代表。采用多重制度环境的整合性分析框架,并运用模糊集定性比较法(fsQCA)分析 体育领域 58个专精特新及小巨人企业,旨在揭示中小体育企业创新发展的驱动路径及其协同效应。研 究发现:①良好的政策支持构成了中小体育企业创新发展的必要基础,该条件缺失成为制约专精特新体 育企业培育的主要障碍。②组态分析结果显示,存在五种高专精特新体育企业培育路径,并基于核心条 件和制度环境的多元组合归纳为政策—市场—技术补充型、政策—市场—技术联动型、政策—技术补 充型三种中小体育企业创新驱动路径。最后,为推动更多中小体育企业向专精特新转型升级,对政府部 门和中小体育企业提出实践启示。
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The innovative development of small and medium-sized enterprises(SEMS)in sports are vital forces for enhancing the quality and efficiency of the sports industry, with sports enterprises that use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products being typical representatives of innovative SMEs in Sports. This study adopts an integrative analytical framework of multiple institutional environments and utilizes the fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis(fsQCA) to examine 58 "little giant" firms in the sports field. The goal is to reveal the innovation and development pathways of SMEs in Sports and their synergistic effects. The findings are: ① Sound policy support constitutes a necessary foundation for the innovation and development of SMEs in Sports, and its absence becomes a major obstacle to the cultivation of specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce novel and unique products in Sports. ② The configurational analysis reveals five pathways for cultivating specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce novel and unique products in Sports, which, based on a diverse combination of core conditions and institutional environments, can be categorized into three innovation pathways for SMEs in Sports:policy-market-technology supplement,policy-market-technology linkage,and policy-technology supplement. Finally, to promote more SMEs in Sports to transform and upgrade towards specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce novel and unique products,practical implications are proposed for governments and SMEs in Sports.