新质生产力作为先进生产力质态,是提升我国体育用品制造业国际竞争力的新动能。运用 文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法,以波特钻石模型理论为基础,从生产结构、需求层次、技术变革、国际竞 争、政策支持、资源协作六个方面阐释新质生产力提升体育用品制造业国际竞争力的基本内涵及其作用 机制。并针对其存在的资源依赖性显著、定制化产品提供不够、“新基建”普惠度不高、竞争优势不足、环 境规制尚未完善、供应链整合略显薄弱等现实挑战,提出增强产业链协同管理能力、打通线上线下精准 营销渠道、完善体育用品制造业新型基础设施建设、加强开放共生、有为政府与有效市场协同发力、建立 多边体育用品制造业合作发展机制等推进策略。
[Key word]
As an advanced productive force, new quality productive forces is a new driving force to enhance the international competitiveness of China’ s sporting goods manufacturing industry. Based on the Porter diamond model, this paper uses research methods such as literature review and logical analysis to explain the basic connotation and mechanism of new quality productive forces improving the international competitiveness of sporting goods manufacturing industry from six aspects: production structure, demand level, technological change, international competition, policy support and resource cooperation. In view of its existing practical challenges such as significant resource dependence, insufficient provision of customized products, low inclusive degree of“new infrastructure”, insufficient competitive advantage, imperfect environmental regulations, and weak supply chain integration, this study puts forward promotion strategies such as enhancing the collaborative management of the industrial chain, opening up targeted marketing channels online and offline, improving the construction of new infrastructure for the sporting goods manufacturing industry, strengthening opening-up and coexistence, government and effective market working together, and establishing a multilateral cooperation and development mechanism for the sporting goods manufacturing industry.
F426; G812