美国残疾人保障法是为了维护残疾人的合法权益,发展残疾人事业,保障残疾 人平等地充分参与社会生活而制定的法规。以《美国残疾人法案》为研究对象,运用文献 资料法和逻辑分析法,通过对法案的立法过程、条款内容、保护客体、实施特点进行了阐 述,并在此基础上,对该法案如何保障残疾青少年参与体育项目的选拔、参与以及比赛进 行了深入地解读。研究认为,《美国残疾人法案》为消除社会对残疾人的歧视提供了法律 保障;法案实施具有“易操作性”,使得美国残疾人青少年参与体育避免了“不必要负担”。
[Key word]
The Ameircans with Disabilities Act, the most important civil rights legislation since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, provides a mandate to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities, deeply impacting sports participation for disabled people in America. This paper reviews the legislative process, the provisions of the titles, the proteced groups, and the characteristics of the implementation, and interprets how the Act guarantees the proper selection, participation and competition in sports of individuals with disabilities. This research finds that the Act is a legal gurantee against discrimination against the disabled individuals, and is easy to enforce, relieving American young people with disabilities of unnecessary burdens when engaged in sports activities.