越野滑雪是历届冬奥会的比赛项目,科学梳理和分析其比赛特征能够为我国越野滑雪的快速发展提供依据。研究从运动学和生理学视角分析了越野滑雪的比赛特征,结果显示:越野滑雪是一项生理强度较高的运动项目,上坡和平地阶段是越野滑雪比赛最应关注的位置,良好的有氧和无氧能力、肌肉耐力和爆发力,出色的上身技术和滑长,合理选择技术、技术间娴熟转换以及均匀配速的能力等是越野滑雪比赛需要具备的重要能力或因素。我国越野滑雪项目今后训练中需要以上述比赛特征为依据,开展针对性训练, 以顺利实现我国越野滑雪项目的快速发展。
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Cross-country skiing is a Winter Olympics event. It can provide a reference for the rapid development of cross-country skiing in China by scientifically sorting out and analyzing its characteristics. This paper aims to analyze cross-country skiing competition characteristics from kinematics and physiology. The results show that cross-country skiing is a high physiological intensity event with uphill and flat stages being the most important part of the competition. Aerobic and anaerobic capacity, muscular endurance and explosive power,excellent upper body technique and cycle length,reasonable choice of technique, skilled transition between techniques and the ability of even pace are important for cross-country skiing competition. Chinese cross-country skiing team should carry out targeted training based on the competition characteristics to realize the rapid development of cross-country skiing.