针对近年来因传统武术对决现代搏击屡屡败北而导致的社会舆论对传统武术全盘否定的趋势,主要从发力方式角度挖掘提炼传统武术的技击精华,得出以下结论:(1)武术界存在两种发力方式: 第一种发力方式起于脚,主宰于腰,发之于梢;第二种发力方式以人体之中节为起始点,向四梢发放。两者分别具有不同的力学原理和训练重点,也有各自的优势和缺陷。(2)第一种发力方式是人类武技普遍具有的发力方式,第二种发力方式才是中华武术独特的发力方式,应将其挖掘提炼出来,对人类武技的发展做出中华民族应有的贡献。
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In view of the fact that traditional martial arts have been denied by public opinion in recent years due to their repeated defeats by modern fighting,the essence of traditional martial arts attack approaches has been excavated and refined from the perspective of force generation in this paper. Conclusions are drawn as the following:first,there are two different ways of force generation in the martial arts. One starts from the foot,dominates the waist,and sends force to the tip;the other starts from the middle part of the body and sends force to the fourth tip. The two have different mechanical principles and different training emphases,and both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Second,the first way of force generation is the universal way of force generation of human martial arts,and the second way is the unique way of force generation of Chinese martial arts,which should be mined and refined to make the Chinese nation’s due contribution to the development of human martial arts.