传统残疾观割裂残疾人身心相互依赖的关系,忽视其社会属性,从而将残疾人边缘化,成为游离于社会之外的特殊群体。残疾人体育也与之相适应,围绕着生物维度展开,以康复为基本使命。“生物—心理—社会模式”的新残疾观对残疾做出全新的理解和诠释,强调残疾人需要身心群的整体发展, 强调残疾人全面融入社会。新残疾观赋予体育以促进残疾人和谐发展、融入社会的新使命。残疾人体育已经成为构建协同共生的体育生态环境和促进体育科学发展的重要力量。
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The traditional view of disability separates the interdependent relationship between the body and mind and ignoring one’s social attributes, thus persons with disability have been marginalized and treated as an abnormal social group. Accordingly, parasports have mainly functioned as a tool of rehabilitation in the biological sense. The new concept of “ biological, psychological and social model of disability” states a new understanding and interpretation of disability, and puts emphasis on disabled people’s physical, mental, and social development as well as their full integration into society. The new concept of disability endows sports with a new mission to promote the harmonious development of persons with disability and to integrate them into the society. Parasports have become an important force in building an ecological environment for sport development and the development of sport sciences.