运用文献资料、多重互证等研究方法,深度挖掘清末民国时期中国体操学校从创办到停办全 过程的一手资料,澄清和还原多个目前学界仍存在争议的问题,考证该校人才培养的发展历程。研究发 现,发起日、纪念日、开学日等称谓的存在,以及民国前后纪年方式的不同是造成学界对该校创设时间存 有争议的主要原因;该校先后由虞洽卿、徐傅霖、杨谱笙、徐一冰、徐一行、顾拯来6人担任校长;该校每 年春秋招生两期,共计招生40期,招生规模维持在每期50~100人之间,主要借助报纸、期刊发布招生信 息;课程设置以学科和术科的二分法为分类依据,术科重于学科;创办初期师资力量较强,中后期逐渐走 向衰退。
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Based on the research methods such as literature review and multiple verifications, this paper deeply excavates the first-hand data of the whole process from the establishment to the closure of the China Gymnastics School in the late Qing and Republic of China periods, clarifies and restores many issues in the academic community, and examines the development process of talent cultivation in the school. It is found that the existence of titles such as the founding day, commemorative day, and opening day, as well as the differences in chronological methods before and after the Republic of China, are the main reasons for the controversy in the academic community over the establishment time of the school. The school has six principals: Yu Qiqing, Xu Fulin, Yang Pusheng, Xu Yibing, Xu Yixing and Gu Zhenglai. The school enrolls students in two periods each year: spring and autumn, with a total enrollment of 40 periods. 50-100 students are accepted for each period. The enrollment information is mainly published on newspapers and periodicals. The curriculum is based on the dichotomy of discipline and skill and skill is more important than discipline. The school has excellent teaching stuff at the beginning of the establishment, which gradually declined in the middle and late period.
K25; G83